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Eng Audiovisual[天地游]v1.C9:My Visit to the Hall of Guan Di Bodhisattva; Watching

发表于 2021-9-12 11:37:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

[Official Transcript] 9 My Visit to the Hall of Guan Di Bodhisattva; Watching the Trial of a Disciple Who Committed Sexual Misconduct 


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Glossary Study

慧眼 wisdom-eye

私心杂念 selfishness and distracting thoughts

正念 correct intentions

时刻注意自己的起心动念 regularly mindful of one’s thoughts and intentions

执迷不悟  continue to commit wrongdoings

知法犯法 having broken precepts knowingly

忏悔文 a letter of repentance

让众生以此为戒 for other sentient beings to learn the lesson

一定要正 you must be upright


As your Master, I will definitely bless you. That’s why I’m shouldering so much karma.

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Journey to Heaven & Hell



On 7 November 2018, I dreamed that my soul and consciousness had been whisked off to the Hall of Guan Di Bodhisattva by rays of golden light. I passed an enormous gate of Heaven that was radiating brilliant golden light, before arriving at a resplendent and magnificent palace. The clouds above were iridescent and flicked between the various colours of the rainbow. It was stunning.

Outside the palace, giant Dharma Protectors were guarding the entrance. They stood three or four storeys high and wore shiny golden armour. I paid my respect to the Dharma Protectors by pressing my palms together and bowing, as I didn’t know the etiquette of Heaven. One Dharma Protector told me to wait a moment while the message was being conveyed. Soon, the Dharma Protector signalled that I could enter the Hall to meet with Guan Di Bodhisattva.


Inside, Heaven looks exactly as what the Master has described, with heavenly beings floating around gracefully.

Guan Di Bodhisattva, Zhou Tsang Bodhisattva and Guan Ping Bodhisattva were waiting for me. They were huge - I felt like a grain of rice when standing before them. Except for the brilliant golden light of their armour, the three Dharma Protectors look exactly like the statues we worship at the Guan Yin Citta Centre. I stood before Guan Di Bodhisattva, awaiting his instructions.

Sighing somewhat, Guan Di Bodhisattva said: “When you disciples in the Human Realm share the teachings you receive from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, it’s best that you first send them to the Secretariat of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door for verification. As you are still ordinary people, you disciples do not possess your Master’s wisdom-eye. For some of you, other spiritual beings and demons may even occupy your body. You must understand that, sometimes, the messages did not come from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Therefore, if you share them recklessly and misguide other sentient beings, that will result in karmic obstacles.

“It is also best that you send the messages and depictions of the mental scenes of Hell and Heaven to the Secretariat for verification, because some people concoct the Hell scenes they supposedly imagined. You must know that if you continue your spiritual practice like this, you will eventually deviate. And if the Buddha is not within you, it will be the demon that is interfering.

“For how many years have you disciples been practising? You have yet to completely eliminate your selfishness and distracting thoughts, nor can you maintain correct intentions at all times. So how could the Buddha and Bodhisattvas be consistently within you to share their words of wisdom?”



I take these words to heart, as I understand that Guan Di Bodhisattva is reminding me to be careful with the thought messages I receive. Guan Di Bodhisattva then instructed the Dharma- protecting Bodhisattva to escort my soul to the Underworld. That day, the King of Hell was to try a case regarding a disciple who was still alive but had violated the precepts and committed deeds of sexual misconduct. The King instructed me to go down and watch the trial.


Arriving at the court as usual, I stood to the side to listen. A female soul knelt before the desk of the King of Hell, who looked stern.

The King sighed: “Why are you disciples of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door not regularly mindful of your thoughts and intentions? When you generate a lustful thought, that is already considered an offence, and yet, you also put it into action by having an affair! How can you be worthy of the expectations of your Master, Jun Hong Lu?”


The King told me: “This female soul hasn’t died - her lifespan is not yet over. She broke the Buddhist precepts and had an affair with a married man. The Dharma Protectors of Guan Yin Citta wrote a decree and sent it to the Underworld, summoning her soul down here for trial.”


The King continued: “I sentence you to the Hell of Excrement. When dawn breaks in the Human Realm, your soul will return to your body. If you don't repent and reform, and you continue to commit wrongdoings, we will record every single thing you’ve done - day and night. If you return here when you die, it will be too late for regrets and tears. The man you are having an affair with is not a good person, and the Underworld will have his record. Although there is some karmic affinity between the two of you in a previous life, you mustn’t allow your feelings and desires to go unchecked. You know what you did was wrong, yet you continued to do it. When the time comes, who goes to Hell? When you return to your body, because of the incredibly foul pool of excrement, you’ll have pungent breath when you wake in the morning. You’ll be deeply depressed and dispirited. That’s the feeling of coming out of Hell. If you return and continue to commit wrongdoings, what you reap shall be what you have sown.”


The King of Hell then ordered the enforcement officer to take the female soul to the Hell of Excrement.

The King declared: “If a Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door practitioner in the Human Realm dares to commit deeds of sexual misconduct, that is a case of having broken precepts knowingly. The Dharma Protectors of Guan Yin Citta are extremely strict towards this precept, and the punishment is harsh. Whoever has committed wrongdoings or broken their vows in regards to sexual misconduct must recite the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance 108 times, as well as write a letter of repentance to share among others in the Human Realm for other sentient beings to learn the lesson. Don’t take your pride seriously, for it is worthless. Rather, if you see me upon your death, it really is too late for regrets.”


As the King of Hell signalled for me to return to the human world, my soul was surrounded by rays of golden light and I was sent back.



Master Jun Hong Lu’s reply:

That’s truly shocking. When you have nightmares and you are chased, hit or dropped from the sky, these are all indications that you have been dragged into Hell. She went to the Hell of Excrement, so when she wakes up, her morning breath is pungent, her body odour stinks, and she feels terribly dispirited. Many people are like that - after they wake up, they feel unnaturally scared. In reality, they’ve been dragged down.

Kids, take my advice and refrain from committing deeds of sexual misconduct. Once you realise that you are being sent to Hell, it will be too late. Even I won’t be able to save you. That’s why I have been telling you that you must be upright. Don’t take it lightly! You’re learning Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, and as your Master, I will definitely bless you. That’s why I’m shouldering so much karma. But don’t fool around. You can’t afford to bear the consequences.


Excerpt from Master Lu’s Q&A (267), 23 November 2018

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