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Eng Audiovisual[天地游]v1.B9: The Hell of Burning Flame 火热地狱(敛财地狱)

发表于 2020-10-28 11:31:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

[Official Transcript]v1.B9: The Hell of Burning Flame (Associated with Illicitly Amassing Wealth) 火热地狱(敛财地狱)

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Glossary Study

济公活佛 Living Buddha Ji Gong

借心灵法门敛财  amassing wealth in the name of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door

乱念小房子 reciting Little Houses insincerely

果报 the karmic retribution

骗天地鬼神 cheat the heavenly beings and spirits


Little Houses were passed down from the heavens and the Underworld, manifesting the power of Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s great vows.

佛门法物 a Dharma item of Buddhism

菩萨挂坠 Bodhisattva pendants

小房子  Little Houses

护身卡  protective amulets

菩萨圣像  Bodhisattva portraits

佛珠  prayer beads

发发慈悲 Please show some mercy

可怜可怜我 have mercy on me

法师 Buddhist monks

修为不到 cultivation is insufficient

诵经  recite Buddhist scriptures

做功德 do meritorious deeds

有佛缘 with an affinity for Buddhism

心灵法门弟子 disciple of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door


pray for the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas’ mercy, and that they grant me succour.


must not commit deeds of verbal misconduct.

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Journey to Heaven & Hell




Excerpt from Master Lu’s Q&A (264), 10 November 2018

While in a daze on the morning of 28 August 2018, I heard a voice saying: “I’m Ji Gong the Living Buddha. In accordance with Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s instructions, I’m here to take you to the Underworld. Don’t be afraid.” Still dazed, I followed Ji Gong Bodhisattva to a place in the Underworld, where a large city appeared ahead of us. Two very tall guards - as tall as the city gate - used their weapons to block us, insisting: “Who are you? This is a prohibited area in the Hell Realm. No trespassing.” Ji Gong Bodhisattva emitted rays of golden light, declaring: “I’m Ji Gong the Living Buddha. By order of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, I’m here to take this Buddhist disciple of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door to tour this Hell, so that on her return to the human world, she can warn people about the karmic retribution of amassing wealth in the name of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, and the consequences of reciting Little Houses insincerely.”

Soon, the guards opened the gates and allowed us to pass through. I followed Ji Gong Bodhisattva down a narrow path. The Underworld is similar to the world we live in, except that it always seems to be night-time here. There’s no light. Ji Gong Bodhisattva was constantly emitting a golden aura. When we stopped on a higher ground, he pointed in the distance towards a very modern-looking building. It’s approximately 30-40 storeys high, and more modern buildings were being constructed nearby. It’s a new site that is planned to accommodate those who take advantage of Guan Yin Citta to amass wealth, as well as those who carelessly recite Little Houses. After they die, they will be sent to Hell to live here.

As I surveyed the scene, it’s distinctly different from all the other places I have observed in the Hell Realm. I have been to the Unintermittent Hell, the Hell associated with sexual misconduct, the Hell associated with defaming Buddhism and the Hell associated with karma of speech. And every time, I have felt sick for a few hours after returning to the Human Realm. But this Hell doesn’t seem to be scary - so why is it considered a prohibited area in the Hell Realm? I also don’t see any offenders being punished in this area.


Ji Gong Bodhisattva smiled. Waving the fan in his hand, a wave of golden light shined forth before a display appeared. “Take a look at the offenders currently residing in that tall building,” said Ji Gong Bodhisattva. I obliged and found that there were many small rooms with many offenders imprisoned within them. Shocked, I asked Ji Gong Bodhisattva: “Why are there so many Buddhist monks here?”The majority of them are indeed monks, while only a few are ordinary people like me.


Ji Gong Bodhisattva replied: “Those who carelessly recite Little Houses are cheating the heavenly beings and spirits. Little Houses are passed down from Heaven and the Underworld, manifesting the power of Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s great vows. It is a Dharma item of Buddhism, yet ordinary people only see it as a piece of yellow paper and fail to recite it properly. Some monks and lay people casually recite the sutras and mantras only a few times before dotting up the entire Little House. They also take advantage of the free Dharma items and make money from them online, such as selling Bodhisattva pendants, Little Houses, protective amulets, prayer beads and portraits of Bodhisattvas. This Hell is where they end up for their karmic retribution.”



Suddenly, a voice resonated from the sky, declaring: “It’s time - light the fire!” Flames shot up out of nowhere, engulfing the tall building entirely. I heard and saw the offenders, all locked up inside the rooms, screaming in pain and horror. They were being burned alive and it was terrifying. Unable to bear the scene, I said to Ji Gong Bodhisattva: “I don’t want to watch anymore.” The Bodhisattva closed his fan, and the display disappeared.

Even from afar, we could hear the screams quite clearly, and tears welled up in my eyes. Here, the building goes up in flames every couple of hours. The offenders’ length of imprisonment varies according to the severity of their offences in the Human Realm, so while some are here for a year, for others it can be 20 or 30 years. Every single day, they must bear the horror of being burnt alive until their sentence is completely served.

The Bodhisattva could see that I was upset, so he told an enforcement officer to take me back. I followed the officer to the elevator connecting this place to the human world. The Underworld is very modern. I pressed the number “1” and the elevator ascended. When the doors opened, I was awake.




On 22 October 2018, after paying respect to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas at the Guan Yin Citta Centre, I sat down to recite sutras. Soon, my consciousness began to enter a deep slumber and Ji Gong Bodhisattva took my soul to another place in the Hell Realm.




The Hell of Burning Flame is specifically for those who recite Little Houses insincerely, and amass wealth in the name of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. After their death, they will be sent here for punishment. 

Little Houses are passed down from Heaven and the Underworld, manifesting the power of Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s great vows. It is a Dharma item of Buddhism, yet ordinary people see only a piece of yellow paper and fail to recite it properly. Some monks or lay people recite the sutras casually and only a few times before dotting up the entire Little House. They also take advantage of free Dharma items and make money from them online, such as selling Bodhisattva pendants, Little Houses, protective amulets, prayer beads and portraits of Bodhisattvas. Some even commit verbal misdeeds, but all of them will end up in this Hell to undergo their karmic retribution.

I arrived at a high ground and saw many modern-looking buildings sitting alongside some new buildings that were still being constructed by the Underworld officers below. They were built to accommodate offenders who took advantage of Guan Yin Citta to amass wealth, as well as those who carelessly recited Little Houses. After they die, they will be sent to live in this Hell.

I looked around. It’s different from all the other places I have observed in the Hell Realm. I’ve been to the Unintermittent Hell, the Hell associated with sexual misconduct, the Hell associated with defaming Buddhism and the Hell associated with karma of speech. The scenes there are all terrifying, but this Hell doesn’t seem scary at all.

I went inside one of the buildings. It was very dark, but I could still make out row after row of prison cells that housed dozens of offenders. There were no doors. Instead, an array of metal bars stood on the outside of each cell. I went into one and found an offender on the floor, howling in pain. His body was charred black; his face beyond recognition. Here, every offender is set ablaze every couple of hours. The length of their imprisonment depends on the severity of their offences committed in the Human Realm. Some are imprisoned for a year; others for 20 or 30 years. Every day, they must bear the punishment of being burned alive until their sentence is fully served.


One offender communicated with me telepathically: “I died in a car crash. When I was alive, I constantly bad- mouthed Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, but my knowledge of the Buddha-Dharma was shallow. I didn’t know that Guan Yin Citta was passed down by Guan Yin Bodhisattva. I committed many unwholesome deeds, but I was ignorant of the Buddhist precepts. Please show some mercy - have mercy on me! Please, plead with Guan Yin Bodhisattva and the Dharma-protecting Bodhisattva and help relay my words to the human world after my death so that my sentence can be reduced and I can be set free and not be reborn as an animal.”


Another offender, from another cell, also communicated with me: “I’m a Buddhist monk from [country X], and my cultivation was insufficient. I didn’t know that those items were Buddhist Dharma items passed down from Heaven. When I died, I was sent to this Hell. As I had recited Buddhist scriptures and done meritorious deeds when I was alive, my sentence is relatively short. I may be reborn into a family with an affinity for Buddhism. But every day, I must endure the pain of being burned, and it’s unbearable. I repent every day. You’re a disciple of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door; could you please plead for me? I know I was wrong and I regret what I have done. I pray for the Buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ mercy, hoping that they would grant me succour.”

Seeing and hearing all of this, my eyes welled up and I choked on my sobbing. I bowed, bid farewell to the offender, and went to the elevator to return to the human world.


Master Jun Hong Lu’s reply:

I’ve said many times that you must not commit deeds of verbal misconduct. Those who do will descend into Hell. In the past, many people sold Little Houses. Some Buddhist monks dotted them up entirely even though they had only recited the Great Compassion Mantra once. They will discover the consequences only after they pass away.

The Hell Realm is a place of woe and agony. You must learn to be aware of the consequences of your actions, as everything you do now will affect your future. Like the people who smoke - do they know they will get lung cancer in the future? Or those who drink - do they know they will develop liver cancer? It’s how things work. When you scold people, prepare yourself to be scolded by others one day. You must be careful, and you must not live recklessly. Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door is getting better; the number of practitioners is increasing.


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