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Eng Audiovisual【天地游】V1-Part A1: Depictions of the Guan Yin Citta Pure Land (1)[O

发表于 2020-8-17 19:28:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

[Official Transcript]V1-Part A1: Depictions of the Guan Yin Citta Pure Land (1)

心灵净土圣境 1

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Glossary Study

心灵净土  the Guan Yin Citta Pure Land

诵经         reciting sutras

观音堂      the Guan Yin Citta Centre

佛言佛语   words of wisdom

念佛          chant/recite Buddha’s holy names

诵经          recite sutras 

听法          listen to the Dharma

涅槃          nirvana

双手合十   puts their palms together

曼陀罗花   Mandarava flowers

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Journey to Heaven & Hell

问:同修分享关于心灵净土。2018 年 10 月 21 日,我在观音堂拜佛念经时见到佛台后方整个山水画栩栩如生,山水好像整个显现在我前方,整个人感觉轻飘飘的。


I would like to share my experience of the Guan Yin Citta Pure Land. On 21 October 2018, when I was praying to the Buddhas and reciting sutras at the Guan Yin Citta Centre, the landscape painting behind the Buddhist altar suddenly came to life. The whole image seemed to slowly emerge from the painting and drag me inwards. A fluttery feeling came over me.


The Guan Yin Citta Pure Land


Looking down from the sky, the Land was covered in mountains. Palaces and pavilions stood proudly all around, the architecture resembling designs that existed during China’s Ming dynasty. It had a traditional and antique charm, but there were also some modern-looking buildings interspersed around the site, a bit like a modern- day university town. All of the buildings radiated a golden glow that occasionally changed into the colours of the rainbow. It looked like the depictions seen on TV of the Amitabha Buddha’s Western Pure Land, but with some notable differences.


There was a huge open square, where the floor and railings were all made of solid white jade. At the centre stood a tall, circular tower, with bell ornaments hanging from the side of the rooftop. A pleasant sound of bells accompanied the blowing of the wind, and an even closer listen revealed murmured recitations of the Buddha’s holy name.Soon after, the voice began to alternatively morph into that of Master Jun Hong Lu, while Bodhisattvas quietly recited sutras and Master Lu's words of wisdom in the background. Every breath felt incredibly pure, and the entire realm seemed to be a serene, peaceful void where it was impossible to be disturbed by any kind of affliction.



It was the Guan Yin Citta Pure Land, where practitioners of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door who have attained fruition will be taken to chant Buddha’s holy name, recite sutras and listen to the Dharma.When looking down from the sky, the Pure Land was truly enormous. Bodhisattvas approached a pool not far from the empty space, and inside were dozens of divine lotuses blooming luxuriantly - some already as big as the wheels of a cart. They all belong to Bodhisattvas who diligently cultivate themselves and perform meritorious deeds in the Human Realm. Although they have not yet attained nirvana, their divine lotuses are already in Heaven. Some have bloomed luxuriantly, while others are still budding, all in different colours. On closer inspection, the floral scents from the divine lotuses were incredibly fragrant; something I could not find any words to describe.



The Bodhisattvas were reciting Buddha’s holy name and observing the scenery of the Land around the empty space. Whenever a Bodhisattva loses focus slightly and can no longer focus on reciting, the bells will ring to remind them to lower their heads and recite sutras in a renewed and immersive state of concentration. In one building, a Bodhisattva gave a Dharma talk to Heavenly Children, who put their palms together to pay respect. Every day in the Pure Land, Mandarava flowers are scattered, filling the air with fragrance. The Bodhisattvas in this aromatic place chant, recite and listen to the Dharma. Here, all the Bodhisattvas possess supranormal powers, such as the ability to create a divine lotus beneath their feet to carry them wherever they desire to venture.


Master Jun Hong Lu’s reply:

Are we able to go wherever we desire just like that? Our thoughts behave like the way Bodhisattvas travel: when we think of a place or image, our mind goes there. The Guan Yin Citta Pure Land and the Amitabha Buddha’s Western Pure Land are very similar, where Mandarava flowers are scattered across the sky, and those who dwell there are immersed in recitations.When a person ascends to Heaven, they suffer no afflictions. They cultivate their minds and nurture their nature every day, reciting sutras, bowing and paying respect to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and going wherever they please on their divine lotuses. Just like when you are in a dream, you can go wherever you desire.


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